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Saturday, November 28, 2009

Life as a GaugeTheory

I have come to the conclusion already, knowing but only a small part of either, that Life can after all be modeled quite well as a gauge theory.Let me set up a dictionary for my proposed correspondence:
(Words in Italics are words used by hoi-polloi, those in Bold by the physicist clan!)

  Destiny: Action
 Trajectory of One's life: Equation of motion(classical)
 Twists of fate: Quantum(higher order) corrections
 Attitude: Energy Level
 World: R^4 Manifold of theory Space
 Pitfalls: Genus of the manifold
 Options: Gauge Symmetry
 Good-Lawful choices: Gauge group
 Free Will: Gauge transformation
 Reasons: Generators
 One's Identity: Identity element of the group
 Spouse: Superpartner
 Commitment: Symmetry breaking
 Realization of one's region of validity: Scale
 Beyond's One comprehension or control: Non-Perturbative

The dictionary is not exhausted with the list above...and yet these are the ones I find sufficient to convince me that such an analogy exists.Also I think that there exists a 1-to-1 correspondence and if one finds the correspondence somewhat forced then you may safely attribute that to my limited faculties of understanding.
I imagine if an unsuccesful physicist were to try his hands at preaching (read possibilities for yours truly) he might have to draw on such a vocabulary:

"Remember, Son You come with a given Action. The Equation of motion, as you well know, has been prescribed by Euler- Lagrange.However do not be perturbed by the quirky Quantum Corrections and always ,always maintain your energy Level.
Your R^4 might have after all many Genera but remember it is by preserving your identity that you can be successful. You might not always find trivial topologies in patches of your worldsheet but remember the more difficult the metric the more fun it is to get to an answer and more the possibilities.  All positive transformations in your life can well be achieved by using the generators in the neighbourhood of your identity.You just need to exert and exponentiate. These generators have been tested by others in their lives and if you follow their algebra you know all the constants (of structure) you need to know.

At different points along your world-line, if you choose to consider one, you will discover a lot of possible gauge symmetry but care must be taken to first determine the gauge group rather than going ahead blindly with the gauge transformations.If you are clever you will discover that no matter how tight a corner you are in there is still some residual gauge symmetry and in moments of despair those will come to your rescue.

It is well known,to those who know it well that at some point of time your worldsheet might intersect with that of a superpartner. There will be strange attractive long-range forces at work trying to bring the two sheets together.Your trajectories might get intertwined for some interval of the affine parameter at the end of which you might need to sacrifice some of your gauge symmetry and break it by choosing some scale.

Note that this ground state is different from the  vacuum you might find yourself in from time to time where you feel quite complacent and do not feel the urge to really do anything.Yet rest assured that there will be non-perturbative effects that lift you out of one vacuum and place you in another.In the meantime you will have a hell-uva apologies!!!

In trying to comprehend the duality of good and evil, light and shadow, particles and waves much effort is being invested right now and hopefully we shall have an answer soon.
The bottomline is keep away from illicit interactions and you shall come out to be beautiful, renormalized and sensible Toy-Model  for others."

This constitutes my feeble attempts at spinning a yarn from some lingo I picked up at recent points on my own world-line. All physicist friends of mine are welcome to suggest even more correspondences/corrections/re-interpretations and just as a heads-up I intend to write my next post about the ways to solve the equation: x^2=0.
("x" squared equals zero).


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  1. WOWwowWOWwowWoW... Will read it a couple of times more so that my gauffawing subsides and then will think of some correspondences as you hinted in there... 2 queries after the first read: in the second last para, '(toy)' is misplaced I think; and I guess you want to link to the specific post (latest) on my blog not to the whole blog!!!
    Waiting impatiently for the next post...

  2. yes...infact wanted to link to the very specific quote...
    ur right about the toy thing....though I put it deliberately where it was.
    will re-edit now.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. wow!!!I never did remove any comment :(

  5. No... no... By author, it doesnot mean you, It means me!!! I removed it because it was same as the first... :)
